Posts tagged BIPOC healers
Heather Archer: be courageous enough to revisit your pain

“Our bodies know what we need and we need to cultivate a culture in which it's OK to listen to the needs of your body.” - Heather Archer

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Crystal Augustono: to heal is to fall in love with ourselves again

“Healing is for EVERYONE, but I feel that right now, BIPOC need it more than ever.. So right now, I’m asking myself and others, how can I hold space for myself and other women of color in this climate of chaos?” - Crystal Augustono

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Diana Quinn Inlak’ech: the struggle for liberation includes reclaiming space for grief and healing

“I’ve come to believe that a big part of the sacred work that many of us came to do in these times is to restore our ancestral practices of grieving, tending to death and dying, and simply being in relationship with our ancestors.” - Dr. Diana Quinn Inlak’ech

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