Posts in grief coaching
Your body wants to move this grief — and other self-care tips

I often turn to movement as one of the most reliable tools in my grief toolbox. Sometimes this dance is prayer. Sometimes fire. Or a thousand tears unlocked. Always, it is the deepest of self-care.

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Grief is lonely: here are five ways to find support

There is a unique loneliness to grief that is one of its searing, undeniable truths. Still, you deserve to be seen and validated in your grief, to find a haven where you can safely be with and give voice to your pain.

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Saying goodbye to a year of grief and loss: a guide for reflecting

I do not make resolutions, haven’t for years. Yet I believe in looking back, if only to look forward, to see what we wish to carry into the new year, what we’re consciously choosing to leave behind. To acknowledge and honor who we are because of all we’ve lived.

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